Your Workplace Rights
Your Rights
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Workplace Fairness was founded in 1994 as the National Employee Rights Institute (NERI). The name of the organization was changed in 2001 to reflect our effort to link the knowledge and work of employment rights attorneys with that of non-legal organizations and other individuals who are concerned with issues of fairness in the workplace.
Working together, professionals and citizens concerned with issues of workplace fairness more effectively build community awareness of workplace issues and promote progressive changes in employment law, policies, and practices.
Are you being treated differently at work? If so, is it because of your race, sex, age, disability, national origin or religion? Wondering what other kinds of discrimination are illegal?
Get the facts on workplace discrimination here.
Whether you’re being pressured to have sex with your boss, forced to listen to foul language or slurs, or wondering whether the comment you made might get you in trouble, you’ll find this information on harassment and other problems you might encounter on the job to be helpful.
Not getting paid what your employer owes you? Are you forced to work overtime, but not receiving any extra pay? Get the facts on “wage and hour” laws here.
Para la mayoría de los empleados, el trabajo no es sólo cuestión de sueldo, sino también de prestaciones. Baja por enfermedad, baja por incapacidad, baja por motivos familiares o médicos... los distintos tipos de baja de los que puede disfrutar pueden resultar confusos. Infórmese aquí sobre la cobertura sanitaria, las pensiones, el derecho a las bajas y otros datos relacionados con las prestaciones.
Is somebody watching you? It just might be your employer. Find out here what rights to privacy in the workplace you do and do not have.
Is your workplace unsafe? Are you worried about getting hurt at work? Wondering what to do about it? Have questions about the workers’ compensation system? Find the answers here.
Fighting back when you see your employer doing something wrong can be scary, and risky. But there are laws that can protect you in a number of situations. Learn more about how you might be protected when you blow the whistle or challenge illegal conduct.
¿Te enfrentas a una campaña de sindicalización en el trabajo (o quieres participar en una)? ¿Ya es miembro de un sindicato pero no entiende cómo funcionan las cosas? ¿Le han despedido por organizarse o afiliarse a un sindicato? En esta sección encontrará información sobre su derecho a organizarse y afiliarse a un sindicato, y sobre cómo funcionan los sindicatos.
Tanto si le han despedido repentinamente, como si le han cesado o le han pedido que dimita, querrá saber qué ocurre ahora que se ha quedado sin trabajo.
If you’re hoping to obtain a government internship in the future, or if you’re a current intern struggling to navigate the work field and want to learn more about your rights, this is for you!