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With frequent updates being released by the new U.S. administration, we are continuously revising the legal information on our website. Check back regularly for the latest updates.

Updates on Previous Postings

Rather than tackling a whole new subject today, I thought I’d take a little time to bring readers up to date on several previous postings.

4/18/03: Will They Ever Learn?

Just maybe they have learned a little bit….because Don Carty is no longer running American Airlines. Shortly after the last post, the brouhaha fully erupted, as outraged union members demanded Carty’s head for demanding wage concessions at the same time executives were slated to receive bonuses and guaranteed pensions. As noted in an article in Business Week entitled “What Was Don Carty Thinking?, the author notes,

Everything and nothing has changed at American Airlines since Apr. 16. That was the day jubilant CEO Donald J. Carty snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by revealing the details of executive-retention bonuses and pension protections after most union members had narrowly voted to accept $1.62 billion worth of annual concessions.

In fact, where Carty was concerned, many commentators asked the same question: what was he thinking? Molly Ivins went even further, asking “Is There Anybody Here With a Lick of Sense?” (See Ivins column.) The unions were still left without a choice as to whether to accept the concessions, and despite talk of rescinding the deals and revotes, ultimately went along with the previously-ratified concessions, with relatively minor changes. (See Reuters article.)

4/14/03: Is She “Scalia In A Skirt”? And Does the Skirt Need a Blue Slip?

3/13/03: She’s BAAAACK! Priscilla Owen Before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Again.

2/13/03: Judges, Judges, Judges! Act Now, Before the Senate Does

The latest on federal judicial nominees: controversial nominees Jeffrey Sutton, Jay Bybee, and Timothy Tymkovich, all of whom WF opposed, have all been confirmed by the Senate. Miguel Estrada’s nomination is still pending, as the Democratic filibuster has held for over three months now. Priscilla Owen, who WF has also opposed, is about to join Estrada among the ranks of filibustered nominees. (See New York Times article.) Carolyn Kuhl is slated for a Thursday (5/1) vote before the Senate Judiciary Committee on her nomination; however, it is likely that this vote will be postponed. Deborah Cook’s nomination is still pending, and could be taken up by the Senate at any time. WF site users have generated hundreds of letters on judicial nominations through our Action Center–it’s not too late to write your first letter–or a second or third, given all of these developments!

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.