Please Note:
With frequent updates being released by the new U.S. administration, we are continuously revising the legal information on our website. Check back regularly for the latest updates.

Making the Call for Health Care

Workplace Fairness is part of the Health Care for America Now coalition, and we want to know:  where do our members of Congress stand on health care? Are they with us for quality affordable health care for all? Or are they with the insurance industry, working to preserve our broken system?  With the help of a groovy new tool, you can instantly call Congress to find out.  It really couldn’t be easier!

Click to call your member of Congress and demand quality, affordable health care!

Over the next few weeks, HCAN is going to ask every member of Congress which side they are on. We’ve already sent a formal letter to every office asking them to get on our side. And over the next few weeks, members of Congress will be getting personal visits from Health Care for America Now supporters in every state asking them which side they’re on. But first, we need your help to get the message across.

HCAN’s goal is to make 100,000 calls to Congress, making sure every member is asked at least a few times which side they are on.  Supporters of Workplace Fairness can help us reach that goal.

Click here to call your member of Congress.

With formal letters, in-person visits, and tens of thousands of phone calls, our message will be impossible to ignore: We want quality, affordable health care for all, and we want every member of Congress on our side!

We’ve put together an easy-to-use webpage for you to call your members of Congress. Just click here, enter in your information – including your phone number – and click the “Call” button. In a few moments, you’ll receive a call to that phone number that will automatically put you in tough with your member of Congress.

It couldn’t be easier!

Or, if you’d prefer, you can be automatically connected to Congress by calling, toll free, 888.436.8427.

Either way, can you help us make 100,000 calls to Congress? Click here to call!

Thank you for your efforts and all that you do for Workplace Fairness.

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.